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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished (NGDGU)

When Once Asked About The Veracity and Truth that, "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished"? - Temma Ehrenfeld, a New York-based science writer, and former assistant editor at Newsweek noted in an article -
"People sometimes withdraw or punish you after you try to help them."

In other words, "Since life is often as not -unfair, people can do or attempt to do good things and still wind up in a lot of trouble.”

Her mother, who had a degree in social work but instead chose to leave the profession, managed to devote a part of every day to being helpful. There was always somebody she was thinking of, beyond the family (which is the "my 2-3 or 4 and no more syndrome"). Ms T, the lady's daughter - loved and greatly admired this thoughtfulness in her mother.

Many people still say, “No good deed goes unpunished.” And they did not arrive at this conclusion in haphazardly fashion - they were convinced from experiences of being of assistance to non-relative persons. Perhaps that's just one more reason for being an unknown and anonymous favor-doer when possible. Not only is this more a blessing to the favor-doer's spirit - BUT the recipient never knows positively who the favor-doer was, which may evoke more karma or what-goes-around-comes-around and less "Good deed-ism being less "biting-the-hand-that-benefits-or-feeds-you-ism" and/or getting punished otherwise.  According to a song, ...Rotten luck...you do a friend a favor and you wind up STUCK".

As far as the lady could tell, her mom meant this "No good deed goes unpunished" negativism in a general, almost superstitious way. She inferred that ones' good deed could drag you into a sad or overwhelming situation, getting involved - trying to help someone - which makes sense. But her mom also seemed to mean that the universe (or G_d) would punish you—as some other happenstance would occur, only remotely related to the "good deed", that would punish you for being helpful.

As she grew in body stature and in wisdom, she came to understand that when most people said “no good deed goes unpunished,” they ACTUALLY FACTUALLY meant that the punishment would come directly from the recipient of the good deed. This is reminiscent of what people hear about police in a "domestic disturbance or incident scenario". The police arrive to help sort out the argument and "be peacemakers" BUT sometimes the ones doing the "fighting or just arguing" BOTH kind of bond against the "outsider with authority" and attack the police and do them harm or just swear a lot at them which in tern either gets both arguers/fighters arrested (which would lead to more "blame game" in the squad car on the way to "be booked") or the police "overlooking all this
noise of actual minor physical violence" just this time. Of course, in the case of physical abuse the police MIGHT be required to take one or both "victims" to a dentist or a hospital. And so the police "catch Heck" - one way of another. The police don't really mind all that much as long as the couple or the "peace disturbers" become peaceable and quietude is again restored to the neighborhood. That's the "mission" and why they were summoned - to resolve the conflict somehow - and they usually do not get offended or decide not to get offended if it means that peace is restored! Mission accomplished! No one was hurt and arguments often escalate out of control - into violence that is later regretted.

Then there is the "flip side of this coin" so to speak in that "no good deed goes unpunished" REALLY MEANS to those who do "no good deeds" - that they will get off Scott free because their "no good deeds" will indeed - GO UNPUNISHED!!!

Not naming any "usual suspects here" - calls for special "cop-like" attitude and what-the-Hecking" as in the previous "peacemaker" scenario. Just observing and not naming any names - since these sorts seem to thrive on "getting away with it" - time after time. Whether it's a few thousand "Government property archival materials" and/or personal communication equipment destroyed - nothing really happens to the perpetrators. Thus the rascals' No-good deeds - go unpunished". An entertainer made the point that these sorts may have underlings that "do dirty deeds dirt cheap".
So when a speeding car collides with a palm tree and the transmission winds up sixty feet behind the flaming vehicle - the local police may sent inexperienced officers and CSIs to gather evidence as an "insurance policy" that "nosing around" is less likely and the case becomes an unsolved "cold case" - quickly.
Likewise when a "shots fired call" results in a murder victim who still has his valuables after an early morning robbery-gone-bad. Did the victim REALLY RESIST? His wallet with money and credit cards and expensive wrist watch - were still on his person. Again, this case gets minimal attention and is soon a "cold case". Would all-out and expensive investigations have been a "good deed doer getting punished"? In both cases, a thorough investigation probably would have "made waves" AND resulted in retribution. Small wonder that the authorities, having little hard evidence to go on - appear to choose to not go "all out" with investigations of this variety. There is very, very little of that "TV detective-ism" with the authorities or a "Private Eye" who always solves the crime by the end of the show! Usually, the survivors and the authorities eventually "move on" with their lives and personal careers. Rarely, do they forget of course, but there is usually little or nothing that can be done UNLESS a "break" of some sort comes in the case. And this can take many years to happen, if it ever does. The Georgetown coffee shop "caper" of the 1980s resulted in little if any loot for the "bandits" and the only break that happened years later - did not "pan out."

On the Temma E portion it would be a "no good deed" or a "rascally prank" to leave out her very own and personal moral lesson namely,"I am learning to be a better helper. There are ways to do it that don’t backfire as often. I am not going to stop helping. It is good for me, and I sometimes do good. But I know that the recipients may sometimes withdraw and sometimes go out of their way to hurt me."

It's not necessarily true that "no good deed goes unpunished." But nevertheless some good deeds are punished." 

A version of author Temma Ehrenfeld's story was published in a periodical called," Your Care Everywhere."

As for the epiphany version on "No good deeds go unpunished"...it came to this blogger early one morning before breakfast...well before breakfast...and was written down. Often ideas that emerge during slumber "vanish like the wind" unless written down immediately.

To clarify and make it "clear as mud" one definition so to speak (or interpretation) is that the expression,"No good deed goes unpunished." - may infer or give the meaning that a kind action might not be properly appreciated by the recipient (the one being helped), or it may mean that doing something kind will lead to unforeseen consequences (or immediate ones) for the one assisting.

Alternately, as one trained in the law MIGHT perceive - "No good deeds are FUN and get attention - and perhaps even FAME and NOTORIETY and if one is scary enough - all the "no good deeds" will go unpunished - especially if done very quickly in succession before the slow grinding gristmill of justice - even overcomes the inertia of being at a standstill and gets into motion. This sounds a lot like physics BUT that's how the U.S. justice system works - S-L-O-W-L-Y.

Just ask someone like Roger Stone - the celebrity person - not the myriads of "stones" that happen to "wear" that "moniker" or name. Stone must have thought the S.W.A.T. team had the wrong address when they arrested him pointing machine guns going after terrorist Carlos the Jackal. It's kind of "funny" how names get recycled in a world population of several BILLION SOULS. This is why one of this blog's credited sources spelled her name thus. And why people cannot sue other people so easily and it also requires usage of a likeness or picture illustration along with the name to establish wrongful intent as a TORT or punishable by monetary settlement of the TORT. Sometimes the offending person benefited financially and had no intention of getting permission from the "celebrity", who may not at all be all that "well-fixed" or wealthy - just a "household name" that that "Chucho" who uses the Anglo version of his name which in an of itself is numbered somewhat like the stars in the sky. Like many other celebrities he has a "line of water" and now something else again. CLUE: sorta kinda like "Paul Bunyan" he has a "Sampson-like" huge bunch of stories that have been written about his toughness and "Herculean exploits". But his own writing is much more serious and contemplative and "helpful". Perhaps he, too, should be wary and aware that,"No good deed goes unpunished."

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