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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Freedom to Choose Life For Baby after Baby

 It is TRUE that Roe V Wade is in NO danger from 4-5-6 Conservatives on the Supreme Court.

But left to the States...abortion WILL NOT BE so easy. There will always be a "just-passing-through Doctor to "go after an appendix allegedly and do an abortion free. Let's just hope that Dr Just Passingthrou does not decide to get a "cancerous kidney" that is in no way cancerous - just a tantalyzing way to pay for the car or TRADE it for a car?

Already, several states including Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, and Hawaii have NOT BANNED abortion so that it is ILLEGAL* but Alaska has a "trigger law on late term as well as ANY abortion. No this "Trigger Law" has **NOTHING** to do with "Roy Roger's horse - Trigger! This Trigger Law does not pertain to **shooting**. 

In these EIGHT states, this so-called "trigger laws" would ban abortion STAT as soon as possible or immediately if the Supreme Court does in fact overturn the landmark 1973 court decision, Roe V. Wade that established access to a safe abortion as a "living" constitutional right. Now that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away - a few other states, including Oklahoma and Texas, are considering implementing similar laws and getting rid of abortion. 

 Of course, having READ paragraphs ONE and TWO - the reader of this humble blog - KNOWS like the poor, abortion will always be "with us"

An MD can always find a "tumour" if he looks hard enough. This is in no way a smear of MDs who may provide treatment in this manner. The old lady would have gladly GIVEN the kidney that another human being might live BUT the MD in his wisdom assumed that she would donate a kidney - given the chance. Or she might have been a bigot, homophobe, racist, etc etc and said,"NO!". Everyone knows that the waiting lines are very long and require years of waiting that must be SURVIVED IF you need a kidney so even an old lady with "an extra kidney" can help out, especially if she thinks the thing is cancerous! This is only a very few doctors, of course, but every profession has a few who work too fast and make mistakes or too slowly to accomplish very much as they are overly "selective" due to being sued, low energy, etc. Naturally, working inside a human being can leave less obvious mistakes than a "sponge" or a piece of metal 18 inches long! Another patient lost 43 pounds and felt unwell after the surgeon left a BLUE TOWEL inside him! The hospital settled the issue by paying $86,000 for the mistake that almost killed the patient. Fortunately, the patient had no energy and felt "like he was dying", so the blue towel was "found."

Had the patient died as did Gosnel's abortion patient - charges would have been filed for extreme negligence as in Gosnel's case and the doctor, who got all the blame but did not operate without at least ONE Registered Nurse (RN). 

As for babies going as spare body parts and for experimental purposes - certainly the NAZIs did plenty of that 1939-1945 as they had a "lot of specimens" to gather from then vicious ship away to be gassed and "ashed" - no offense non-Gentiles - that is what the NAZIs did in "their spare time."

A civilized country, REALLY civilized - should avoid euthanasia AND abortion on demand like an Arab Spring time for "The One".

In a number of states, abortion is "illegal with limits" which MEANS that it CAN be legal in certain instances such as "not alive". Thus the mother will NOT be required to endure a "stillborn delivery" as "in the olde days" before ultrasound". Babies are USUALLY actively hicupping, urinating, thumb-sucking, kicking, etc,etc.although "sleeping STILL a lot." The ultrasound ensures that the baby is,in fact, alive EVEN if not very actively kicking or moving. 

States requiring ultrasound PROOF of the baby's VIABILITY or "state of being ALIVE 24 hours include:

Texas, Wisconsin, Virginia, and Louisianna with Mississippi ANYTIME supposedly after the baby is supposed to be alive and kicking.

Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, and Hawaii 

Arkansas, Indianna, Kansas, Louisianna, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Carolina North Dakota, Oklahoma 20 weeks "along in gestation".with Massachusettes, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Nevada, and NewYork (with viability)at 24 weeks and VIRGINIA at 25 weeks!

Believe it "or stuff it" as Johnny Carson used to say, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire. News Mexico Jersey and York, North Carolina, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Washington and Wyoming - REQUIRE NO counseling for an abortion. However the doctor performing the abortion -MAY have something to say about it or say very little as not to condemn the expectant mother for her decision. Discussion by a trained counselor is SUPPOSED to help the expectant mother with the GUILT or lack of it - in dciding that her baby must die.

The NORAL Pro-Choice America webpage **was not found**

During January of 2019, New York state passed its "women's lives matter" law and A re-write of New York abortion laws had been held up by Republicans for more than a decade.

On Tuesday, the 46th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, Senate Democrats passed the Reproductive Health Act, 38-24. Gov. Andrew Cuomo hoped to sign the bill later in the evening, CBS2’s Tony Aiello reported.

Critics call the legislation an extremely radical over-reach that benefits abortionists who harm pregnant women such as Kermit Gosnel, who was tried, judged guilty by a jury of his peers and imprisoned for years after two Latina patients bled and died.

Kermit Gosnel is an American doctor/abortion provider who was convicted in a court of law of killing three fetuses and the involuntary manslaughter of a woman who died during an abortion procedure. A witness testified that Gosnel had "joked" during an abortion that,"This baby is so big that it could WALK ME TO THE BUS STOP!" (Paraphrased).  When Gosnel's nurse quit abruptly, he hired unlicensed assistants for the abortion operations and "trained" them about how to assist him!

DNC Crowd "Got Noisy" As Kermit Gosnell Gave a Surprise Speech Via Computerized Video From Prison with DNC shouts of "Free Kermit! - Free Kermit!

Trial balloons had been floated around before and during the 2016 Democratic National Convention DNC) regarding a “special surprise speaker” who was to address the Democrats  on its final DNC Convention Day. That was (believe it or stuff it) - Kermit Gosnell - the formerly wealthy and prosperous but infamous abortion provider and court-proven-barbaric-serial-killer of born-alive infants. He spoke "live" from the Huntingdon prison where he is currently serving life without the possibility of parole.

After being introduced as “champion of women’s rights, martyr for the greater cause, and fearless liberator, Dr. Kermit Gosnell,” the audience erupted into a frenzied applause which lasted more than ten minutes. Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards, who was in attendance, became overcome with emotion and fainted, according to reports from the convention.

Once the cheers and cries of “Free Kermit! Free Kermit!” died down, the horrific mass murderer addressed the people from the dark prison room where, after Barack Obama reportedly “pulled some strings with officials,” he was allowed the opportunity to give the speech.

All the power in the state of New York's capital - Albany was in the hands of Democrats and they acted quickly to pass an abortion rights bill.

“Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins stated,"We’re saying here in New York, women’s lives matter. We’re saying here in New York, women’s decisions matter,” 

Famous "clubfoot, Lord Byron would disagree if he had lived centuries longer.


In NEW YORK, NY on or about September 22, 2020, a crowd of liberals gathered at a special event in New York cheered loudly as the official COVID death counter went to 200,000 today.

They counted down the numbers - wild cheering - as soon as the counter hit 200,000.

A progressive liberal New Yorker exclaimed as the number ticked from 199,999 to 200,000. "Woohoo! We did it -- we owned Trump!" More deaths! More deaths! More deaths!"

A woman who flew in from one of the Portlands exclaimed, "We've been rooting for more deaths to make Trump look bad, so this is a great milestone for us - I didn't think this day would ever come, but it's finally here!"

Governor Cuomo also made an appearance at the event, with an inspiring speech stating he was both humbled and honored to have played such a large part in making the number almost exponential by sending COVID-19 patients to New York state nursing homes.

Back on March 29 of 2020, Dr. Fauci had guesstimated that from 100,000 to 200,000 Americans could eventually die from COVID - 19 ie alpha-numeric "c" word as those who are "sick and tired of hearing about it on a 24/7/365 basis from all the mainstream media.

Now that the Democratic "HOPE-SPECTATION" has not topled the "Blingless Mr. T who has withstood a fruitless $32,000,000 Russia investagation/Democrat Europe Party to impeachment via a Democratic-controlled House of Representatives headed by Nancy (500,000 lost their jobs this month during 2018) Pelosi.  

Democrat "Gloom and Doom models promoted almost hourly as public grows weary of frightful forecast after frightful forecast. 

Even as the United States anti-Trumpers have "pumped up"
 3 million coronavirus imiginary infections
, forecasters are updating their models to account for the alleged recent resurgence because hospitals are getting more money to report COVID-19 deaths than the usual heart attacks, gunshot victims and knifings which are now being listed as COVID-related deaths when the alleged virus had NOTHING to do with the shootings, knifings, or heart attacks. Doctors feel moved to relate COVID-19 because of manditory masking and pressure from hospital commissions. In a way, COVID-19 is related to deaths increasing if only because bored stay-at-home-cannot-work people fight more at home and their driving gets increasingly erratic and fast. Gloom and doom Democrat-favoring media are reaching a grim consensus that the next few weeks before the November 3.2020 election are going to be bad.

They predict that the national death toll will eclipse 200,000 by Election Day, according to the latest models.

To them. this is a clear sign that, six months into the worst public health crisis in 100 years, the coronavirus pandemic is as disruptive as ever. The disease has steeled Democratic American leaders’ toward beating Trump with a "trashed out pandemic economy" in a last ditch effort to beat him. Their patience and political will has sucombed to Trump's Overcoming of all their obstacles with the pandemic as their last great hope of vanquishing Donald J Trump before he wrecks the Democratic Party forever with American greatness. 

David Eisenman states dejectedly, “I am despairing for the future," and Eisenmann as the director of the UCLA Centre for Public Health and Disasters paints a gloomy future, “I don’t see anything happening to indicate that [the future] will be much better.”